The developments of the course outcome are based on the international and local standards of the scope of work, defined for BIM modelers roles and responsibilities. It is, therefore, targeted at skill sets to develop competency in hands-on technical skill, BIM knowledge and pro-active problem solving which tailored to suit local requirement. Upon successful completion of this course, the participants are expected to be able to:
- Operate a 3D parametric modelling tool
- Interpret design intent to be used in technical modelling
- Develop a 3D model appropriately
- Extract & prepare related design deliverables such as drawing, material schedule, schedule of accommodations and etc.,
- Utilize 3D BIM models as interaction, communication, and collaboration tools
- Apply BIM-based process flow of technical modelling
- Identify problems and associated challenges in delivering BIM-based process flow.
BIM Modelling of Architecture - Brochure
1 file(s) 5.46 MB
*For non-Malaysians or those residing outside of Malaysia, kindly express your interest by sending an email to [email protected].
BIM Modelling of Architecture - Brochure
1 file(s) 5.46 MB